Building Relationships and Networks While Working Remotely

Building relationships is no easy task and it gets especially tricky when you start a fully remote job. Whether you are looking to build relationships with your co-workers or make some new connections in the industry, there are ways to put yourself out there and make some new professional connections.

Find Common Ground

Finding common ground and just being genuine with colleagues can build a great relationship. Don’t just hop on a conference and talk work, but take the time to ask how their weekend went, what’s new in life, etc. These small moments are important, and you never know what someone could be going through.  A small exchange could have a major impact on the other person’s life, just knowing that someone cares.


This is a great one because it can be done with friends and colleagues (even if they live in another city), and it makes a positive difference in other peoples’ lives as well. You can form new relationships while sharing a moment that you will remember for a lifetime. Many employers (including mine) enable their workers time off – with pay – to participate in a community service event.


Traveling is something that can help strengthen your relationships in and out of the workplace. If you haven’t had the opportunity to meet colleagues in-person because of remote roles, maybe take a trip to a fellow co-worker’s city and grab lunch with them. You can talk a little bit of business with them and get to know who they are off camera.