EOR Services

eor simplify workforce management and ensure complaince

How Employer of Record (EOR) Services Can Simplify Workforce Management and Ensure Compliance

By nextSource | September 17, 2024

Managing a workforce across multiple countries presents unique challenges. Companies must navigate complex labor laws,…

EOR employee

EOR: Employee Classification – 1099 vs. W2

By nextSource | January 24, 2024

You might know how EOR employee services organize W2s, but how do they classify your 1099s? Here’s the rundown from our workforce management experts!

hiring through an EOR

How Hiring Through an EOR Is Handled

By nextSource | March 7, 2023

If you’re expanding your business globally, hiring through an EOR is more convenient than independent recruiting. Here’s how an EOR helps with hiring.


How an EOR Differs from a Payroll Company

By nextSource | March 2, 2023

Employers of record and payroll companies support your workforce in different ways. Here’s how to distinguish a payroll company from an EOR.

onboarding an eor

What Happens When You Onboard an EOR into Your Organization

By nextSource | February 9, 2023

Employer of record roles may seem confusing when you decide to hire internationally. Read on to know what happens upon onboarding an EOR.

questions to ask an EOR

Questions to Ask a Prospective EOR Before Deciding

By nextSource | February 7, 2023

An employer of record spearheads your global expansion when hiring overseas. Here are some questions to ask an EOR before hiring them.

benefits of an EOR

How, Exactly, an EOR Can Benefit Your Growing Business

By nextSource | February 2, 2023

An employer of record is the perfect way to hire globally while tapping into foreign markets. The following article highlights the benefits of an EOR.

hiring an EOR

Steps to Take When Hiring an EOR

By nextSource | January 12, 2023

Though the market is flooded with many Employers of Record, not all are right for your business. Use this article as a checklist when hiring an EOR.

EOR services

A Breakdown of Key EOR Services: Responsibilities, Benefits, & More

By nextSource | January 10, 2023

An Employer of Record is a useful partner in your global expansion. Read on to learn more about EOR services and benefits.


EOR vs. PEO: Pros and Cons of Each

By nextSource | January 5, 2023

Businesses are turning to EORs and PEOs to hire and manage global talent effectively. Read on for more information about EOR vs. PEO.

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