nextSource Blog

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empty chairs outside of an office

Discouraging Job Candidates Ghosting in Your Workplace

December 28, 2023

Ghosting isn’t just cutting someone off. Job candidates ghosting their employers wastes time, money, and resources. Learn how to help prevent it.

Two people sitting at an office desk. One person has his head in his hand with the other person looking.

The Importance of Timely Terminations

December 26, 2023

There are essential considerations when terminating an employee by choice or by HR. Let’s explore some compliance issues that companies must respect.

man in suit, sitting at a desk with his head propped on his hand looking tired and frustrated

Solving the Higher Ed Workforce Dilemma

December 19, 2023

Building a higher ed workforce is becoming a challenge for many institutions. However, practical solutions still exist.

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