How nextSource Differentiates from Other Options in the Market

One of the questions most frequently posed to providers of workforce management services and solutions focuses on a simple notion: Why should the organization select one provider as opposed to any other? Beyond the nuts and bolts reasons to select a given workforce management solutions provider—cost, service offerings, technologies, reputation, etc.—there are a number of other important considerations to observe. This post will examine some of the ways that nextSource distinguishes itself from the growing array of workforce management solution providers in the market.
So, what makes nextSource unique in this industry? What differentiates nextSource from others, and why do these points of differentiation matter at the end of the day?
What Sets nextSource Apart
nextSource is a women-owned business enterprise and member in good standing of WBENC, the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council. The benefits of working with a women-owned service organization are numerous and well-known. But for those who aren’t aware, there are enormous diversification benefits to engaging women-owned providers. Doing so demonstrates your organization is ready and equipped to operate in diverse markets and support local communities. In fact, studies like this one produced by Harvard University suggest that diversity drives innovation and that working with diverse companies attracts other businesses and organizations that share a commitment to diversity.
Add to this the generous tax incentive that comes with engaging diversity businesses—the culture of innovation typically associated with diversity providers—and it all adds up to increased profitability. And it’s not just us making that claim. Ernst and Young studies conducted by the Peterson Institute for International Economics reveal, “In 91 countries from various industries and sectors showed that having at least 30% of women in leadership positions, or the ‘C-suite,’ adds 6% to net profit margin.”
nextSource is vendor agnostic in its approach to sourcing staffing suppliers, VMS and other technology providers, payrollers, AORs, and other providers when helping customers stand up their workforce management programs. This is important because it means that nextSource does not receive compensation or incentives to recommend any one provider over any other. This agnosticism ensures the best providers are selected on behalf of the nextSource customer; not the ones that provide the greatest benefit to nextSource. It allows nextSource to be a true advocate for its customers and drive the best possible solution to solve the customer’s workforce management challenges.
nextSource delivers a truly comprehensive suite of solutions. From managed services programs to direct sourcing options; from employer of record (EOR) services to independent contractor management capabilities; from statement of work (SOW) project management to full-blown workforce planning consultation, nextSource covers all the bases. Some providers focus only on one or two of these elements. But nextSource delivers the full array of mission-critical options, helping customers assemble any (or all) of the pieces they need to field the most effective workforce management program—and we retain the best minds in the business in each of these practice areas.
Partner with nextSource
Taken together, these three points of differentiation underscore the tremendous benefit of engaging nextSource as your provider. If you’re ready to start nextSourcing, reach out to an agent now.