3 Ways Workforce Optimization Drives Workplace Productivity
The typical discussions about the benefits of workforce management solutions focus predominately on important factors such as cost savings, efficiency improvements, and risk mitigation. Yes, it is true that developing a workforce optimization initiative – either on your own or with a solution provider – can deliver benefits in each of these important areas. However, there are other tangible benefits of workforce optimization that are almost always glossed over (or forgotten altogether) when deciding whether or not to embark on such an initiative. One such neglected benefit of workforce optimization is the positive effect these programs have on overall workforce productivity.
Reputational Sourcing Practices Attract Better Talent
As discussed in earlier posts, leveraging a well-known brand identity as part of a workforce optimization strategy pays generously. Coupling a well-regarded corporate or academic brand reputation with well-conceived workforce planning best-practices translates into a magnet for top talent. Workers with the most sought after skill sets intuit their value to an organization and as such, they gravitate towards employers who they perceive as offering the best profile to add to their own CVs. Top performers are intrinsically more productive than the average candidates.
Visibility Reduces Operational Friction
One of the benefits often touted of workforce management programs is increased visibility. Optimizing a workforce, by definition, includes tracking performance of suppliers, talent, and quality. Leveraging the data collected, workforce planners can weed out (or mentor/improve) under-performing staffing suppliers. The metrics also allow for establishing thresholds for candidate aptitudes in any given skill set. Lastly, visibility into overall quality is more easily quantified, tracked, and acted upon. Keeping an eye on the performance of every facet of the workforce program helps ensure operational friction is reduced and productivity targets are met or exceeded.
An Appropriate Workforce Functions More Effectively
Workforce optimization entails achieving the most effective blend of worker classifications. It involves determining the optimal respective levels of full-time employees, contract workers, and contingent laborers to maintain efficient operations during peak times and lulls in the business cycle. Nothing kills worker morale more quickly than being understaffed during periods of high volume or standing around trying to look busy when there isn’t enough business. Having the proper composition of workers (and in the right numbers) means that full time employees are content knowing there will be additional “hands on deck” to push through high volume periods. It also means that the contract and contingent resources are clear from the inception of their engagements on the scope and term of the work. Employees of all stripes are happy to avoid ambiguity in their employment status and this makes them more satisfied and productive in their respective roles.